Monday, January 17, 2011

Frame number 2: day one

So its started. Building frame number two. Or number one depending how you look at it. I've been planning it out for a couple of months now and it feels good to finally be making something I'm going to use. (I've been practicing my fillet brazing, which is mostly unexciting and fruitless. Well besides the reward of becoming better at brazing) I'm glad I decided to make my own mandrel, it isn't quite perfect but I think the blades look plenty good considering my experience. I've decided to go with the Gran Bois fork crown and matching Kaisei imperial oval fork blades.

I brazed the steerer in the fork crown under the watchful eyes of Owen Lloyd. Its always a relief when I don't totally screw up a braze. Actually, it went well I just need to trust in my brazing abilities... that will come it time.

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