Here is a little trick I picked up off the internet. Thought I'd pass it on. It seems so simple I kinda wonder why I never thought of it myself. A Ball bearing, a lighter and some crayon or bees wax, and presto! You've made your seat and seatpost (or any other bolt on part) that much harder to steal. I don't imagine too many bike thief's walking around with a narrow poker, or sharpened spoke capable of prying that ball out of there...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Simple steps towards theft prevention
Here is a little trick I picked up off the internet. Thought I'd pass it on. It seems so simple I kinda wonder why I never thought of it myself. A Ball bearing, a lighter and some crayon or bees wax, and presto! You've made your seat and seatpost (or any other bolt on part) that much harder to steal. I don't imagine too many bike thief's walking around with a narrow poker, or sharpened spoke capable of prying that ball out of there...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
An Introduction
Hi, my name in Andrew McComb. I plan to use this blog to write about my own endeavors in rack and at some point frame building, as well as anything else cycling related. I don't particularly think I have anything worth saying that someone hasn't said better, I mainly see a blog as a way of self promotion. If I plan to sell any racks, the more marketing the better. Possible clients tend to like to be able to see what their builder is up to right?
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